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创建时间:  2024-01-04  赵聪   浏览次数:   返回

1、项目特色 About the Program


In the demand of global Chinese study, Shanghai University offers intensive Chinese language program. The program provides a variety of teaching style and rich curriculum content. Students will be able to develop the ability of Chinese language, as well as the understanding of traditional Chinese culture.

2、授课地点 Location


Yanchang Campus, Shanghai University.

3、课程内容 Contents

3.1 开课时间Duration

2024 :2024-09-09至2025-01-10, 共18周,每周20课时。

Autumn 2024: 9th September, 2024 to 10th January, 2025. 18 weeks in total, 20 class-hours per week.

3.2 新生注册 Registration


Autumn term: 9th September, 2024

3.3 汉语进修课程示例


3.4 汉语进修课程教学计划 Curriculum

5 个等级 A 级(初级) -- E 级(高级 根 据 学生语言水平选择相应的等级

The Intensive Chinese Language Program consists of 5 levels: level A(Beginners), level B(Elementary), level C(Pre-Intermediate), level D(Intermediate), level E(Advanced). Students are advised to choose an appropriate level according to their Chinese level.  

4、项目证书 Certificate

完成规定课时 ,考核成绩合格者 ,学校颁发汉语进修项目《和记娱乐官网》

A completion certificate will be issued to students who successfully complete all the courses and pass the examinations.

5入学流程 Procedures

5.1 按照要求进行网上申请。

5.2 等待学校审核录取

5.3  请在开学前一周 ,全额缴纳学费并将 学费支付凭证 (汇款单据照片或转账截图)发邮件到 apply6@oa.shu.edu.cn

5.4 学校将在开学前发送有关报到注册的通知邮件,请按照通知内容在规定时间内完成报到注册。

5.5 开学第一周所有新生需参加分班测试

5.6 正式开课后的一周内可以申请换班 。五人以上开班 ,不满五人的班级将被合并或取 。请注意 ,如遇班级取消放弃入学 ,所发签证也将被取消。

5.1 Please apply online as is required.

5.2 Please wait for the university to review the application.

5.3 Pay tuition fee fully, and send payment proof (copy of the remittance receipt or screenshot of the transfer) by email to apply6@oa.mississaugaweddingdress.com one week before the term starts.

5.4 The University will send a notification email about pre-registration and registration before the term starts. Please complete the registration within specified time according to the notification..

5.5 In the first week of the course, all new students are required to take a placement test.

5.6 Students can apply to switch class within one week after the course starts. Any group with less than five students will be merged or canceled. Please note that if the class is cancelled, the visa will also be cancelled.

6、报名方式 How to apply

6.1 上海大学网上申请系统报名 http://apply.shu.edu.cn

第一步: 点击 Apply now ,用邮箱注册账号登录。

第二步: 选择 非学历项目—— 长期汉语项目2024年秋季 ,填写个人信息 ,上传证件照 、护照首页复印件 学习计划等申请材料;

第三步: 提交申请 ,等待审核;

第四步: 收到电子 offer 后点击确认 offer,完成申请。


6.1 Please log onto the online application system of Shanghai University for registration: http://apply.mississaugaweddingdress.com .

Step1Click “Apply Now ”and register with your email address.

Step 2 Select “ Intensive Chinese Language Program2024 Autumn under “Non-degree  Program ”, fill in your personal information, upload required documents such as ID photo, a copy of  passport information page and study plan.

Step 3 Submit the app lication and wait for review.

Step 4After receiving the electronic offer, click to confirm the offer and complete the application.

Admission Letter and JW202 form will be mailed to students for registration.

6.2 报名截止日期 Deadline for Application


June 30th , 2024

6.3 申请Applicant

非中国籍公民,持有效外国护照;高中以上学历;年龄一般在 1855 岁之间

Non-Chinese citizens with a valid foreign passport; graduated from high school or above; between 18 and 55 years’ old.

7、项目费用 Tuition Fee

7.1 报名费: 500

App lication fee: 500 RMB

7.2 学费: 9900元/学期/人

Tuition fee 9900 RMB/ term/person

7.3 付费方式 How to pay

l 如果你在中国境内汇款 ,请汇人民币至以下账户:

If you remit in China, p lease remit RMB to the following account:


l 如果你在中国境外汇款 ,请汇美元至以下账户:

If you remit from overseas, p lease remit US dollars to the following account:


  • 请注意 以上银行信息永久有效 。任何邮件要求您更改付款银行可能为虚假邮件。如有发生 ,请立即停止付款并联系项目负责人。

  • Please note that the bank accounts above are permanently valid. Any emails asking to switch to other accounts could be a fraud message.

  • In such case, please DO NOT transfer and contact the coordinator as soon as possible.

8、校内宿舍申请 On-campus accommodation

学生被录取后可以通过电子邮件提交校内住宿申请 ,学校视情况予以安排 。成功申请的学生须在指定期间内办理入住手续。宿舍类型有单人间双人间,单人间每天140 元,双人间每天 70 元,地点为延长校区,您也可以选择住在校园外。

Students can submit an application for on-campus accommodation by e-mail after being admitted. The University will make arrangements according to the situation. Successful applicants are required to check in within the specified period.There are sing le rooms and double rooms in the residence hall, with140 RMB per day for a sing le room and 70 RMB per day for a double room. Students can also choose to live off-campus.

9、 签证与保险 Visa &Insurance

1.签证事宜 About Visa

学校可提供申请学习签证或居留许可(学习) 的相关文件

University will help provide documents for app lication for a study visa or residence permit

2.保险事宜 About Insurance

有关保险产品的信息和费用 ,请参阅保险网站www. lxbx.net

Please refer toStudy Insurance Network(www. lxbx.net) for insurance information including cost.


10、联系方式 Contact Information


Office of International programs

College of International Education, Shanghai University


AddressNo.149, Yanchang Road, Jingan District, Shanghai, China

邮政编码Post code:200072  


电子邮件 Emailapply6@oa.mississaugaweddingdress.com

网址 Websitehttp://apply.mississaugaweddingdress.com

联系人:孙玉 邢煜杨

上一条:上海大学2024年-中国政府奖学金国别双边项目(CSC Type A)
